Salesforce Admin Important Interview Questions
1. Cloud Computing Basics
Q. What is cloud computing
Q. 5 Examples of cloud computing which we see in real life.
Q. What are platforms provided by salesforce?
Q. What is SAAS PAAS and IAAS?
Q. What are platforms provided by salesforce?
Q. What is Metadata?
Q. What is data base
Q. What is Multitenant Architecture?
Q. Which cloud come first in these 3 clouds?
Q. Deployment models of cloud computing?
Q. What are the disadvantages of cloud computing?
Q. What are the advantages of cloud computing?
2. Salesforce Basics
Q. What is Salesforce?
Q. What are platforms provided by salesforce?
Q. Why Salesforce is a PAAS?
Q. Why salesforce is SAAS?
Q. Why SFDC is not IAAS?
Q. What type of app we create in Salesforce
Q. What is sandbox? What are its types?
Q. What is CRM? How it works in Salesforce?
Q. What is Salesforce License? What are its types?
Q. Advantages of salesforce on the basis of Cloud Computing?Q. What are advantages of salesforce over traditional CRM?
Q. What are Different types of Editions in Salesforce?
Q. What are disadvantages of salesforce over traditional CRM?
Q. Can you create a Tab on Field?
Q. Can you create a Tab on created object?
Q. What is Sales Flow?
Q. What is &
Q. Which Licenses provided by salesforce?
Q. Deployment models of cloud computing.
Q. What are the disadvantages of salesforce?
3. Data Modeling (Object Creation)
Q. What are the objects in the salesforce?
Q. What is diff between standard Object and Custom Object?
Q. Steps to create an Object in SFDC using classic view?
Q. Steps to create an Object in SFDC using Lightning View?
Q. What is the diff between Label and Plural Label in SFDC?
Q. Can we user spaces while giving Object name field (while creating an Object)
Q. What is meaning of Description?
Q. What is the use of Context-Sensitive Help Setting?
Q. Which data type we can use for the field which gets created while creating an object?
Q. What is the API name of the field which getting created along with the Object?
Q. What is the use of Allow Reports?
Q. What is the use of Allow Activities?
Q. What is the use of Track Field History
Q. What is the use of Allow In chatter
Q. Which users can see an Object when Deployment status is In Deployment
Q. In which section of setup (Classic View) we can see Standard Objects?
Q. How to Identify whether an Object is Standard or Custom?
Q. Explain Leads, Account, Opportunity, Contact?
Q. What is stages of opportunity?`
Q. Which objects you can see in sales, service and marketing cloud?
4. Data Modeling (Fields)
Q. What are fields? Types of Fields?
Q. Number of Data types in Fields? Which are they?
Q. What is difference between All ‘text’ data types in fields?
Q. Can we change Data Type of Fields once its created?
Q. What is Picklist & Restricted Picklist?
Q. How Many ways to make Field Required?
Q. What is Record Id?
Q. Where you can see 15 Digit & 18 Digit Id?
Q. What is API Name?
Q. Can you edit API name ? is their any way to do it?
Q. What is use of API name? what is Full form of API?
Q. How many ways to identify custom & Standard Objects?
Q. What is Difference between standard API Name and Custom API Name?Q. What is dependent picklist?
Q. While creating picklist, there is option of No. of lines to show, what is it for?
Q. What is Lead Field mapping? How can you do it?
Q. Can we map standard fields?
Q. Can we map custom fields from leads to account and opportunity at the same time?
Q. Can we edit the values from Formula Field?
Q. What is Lead Field mapping for External Object?
Q. Can you change number data types to the text data type?
Q. You have 100 record whose record you have changed from number to text, will it change?
Q. Which are default/ audit/ standard fields created by salesforce?
Q. When we create checkbox field, is their option of required?
Q. How to create dependent picklist? Practical
Q. If you want to replace picklist value , how can you do it?
Q. I have one formula field from lead I want to map it to account can I map it?
Q. Can we do such automation like multiselect picklist can be dependent on single selectable picklist.
Q. Why we cannot make any checkbox dependent on single selectable picklist.
Q. Why we cannot make text area long and text area rich unique.
Q. Why at a time of creation of record we can see only two fields longitude and latitude and after
saving the record we see only one field.
Q. In text encrypted which symbol we can use for masking the character's.
Q. If user selects only last four digits visible while creating text encrypted field then on the record user entered Ovi as a name then what should be the output.
Q. Can we use special character's and numbers in the text field.
Q. What is the maximum length of the text field
Q. What is the maximum length of the text Area field.
Q. What is the difference between text and text area field.
Q. What is the difference between text area long and text area rich field
Q. Can we select time in the date and time data type field.
Q. What is the date format in date data type field.
Q. If we have 100 records on a particular object then on the basis of which criteria the auto-number will be selected.
Q. what is the data type of address field on account.
Q. what is the data type of owner field on any object
Q. what is the data type of created by field on any object
5. Data Modeling (Tab)
Q. In how many ways we can create a Tab
Q. Can we create Tab for the Standard Object
Q. Can we create multiple tabs for a single object
Q. What are the Tabs in Salesforce (SFDC)
Q. How many ways we create Tab for any Objects?
Q. How to create a Tab in Salesforce Classic
Q. How to create a Tab in Salesforce Lightning
Q. What is diff between standard tab and custom tab
Q. Can we delete custom tab
Q. Can we delete standard tab
Q. Can we change the name of the tab after tab creation
Q. What is the Tab style
Q. Can we see the already Tab created object name in the Object list while creating a Tab
Q. Can we create a Tab without giving Tab Style
Q. Can we access any object without creating a Tab
Q. How to add any tab on Tab Bar in classic and Lightning
Q. What are campaign members?
Q. What is case assignment rule?
Q. What is relation between case asset and contact?
6. Data modeling (Apps)
Q. What are the Apps in the salesforce?
Q. While creating any app, can you set default landing tab at that particular tab?
Q. Where we can see the Apps in the Salesforce?
Q. How to create Apps in the SFDC?
Q. What are two types of Apps in the SFDC?
Q. What is the diff between App Label and App Name
Q. Can we give Spaces in the Tab Name
Q. How to add Tabs in the Apps while creating any App
Q. How to add Tabs in the App after creating any App
Q. What is the meaning of Default Landing Tab in the salesforce
Q. When we switch from sales to other app home is default tab can we change it?
Q. Name of the Standard Apps given by the SFDC
Q. How to remove any Tab from an App
7. Lead
Q. What is lead?
Q. Explain Leads, Account, Opportunity, Contact?
Q. Is it mandatory to convert lead into opportunity
Q. Can we directly Convert Lead into Opportunity?
Q. What is lead field mapping?
Q. What is Lead Field mapping? How can you do it?
Q. Can we map standard fields?
Q. Can we map custom fields from leads to account and opportunity at the same time?
Q. What is custom lead field mapping?
Q. Why do we do custom lead field mapping?
Q. What are the steps to do custom lead field mapping?
Q. Can we map formula fields in custom field mapping?
Q. What do you mean by lead conversion process?
Q. What will happen to lead if it gets converted?
Q. When Lead coverts what will happen to that Lead?
Q. What are the lead statuses?
Q. How can you recover the converted lead?
Q. Until and unless deal is not getting fixed can we convert it into opportunity or not?
Q. What is stages of opportunity?
Q. What is web to lead?
Q. What are the different stages of opportunity?
8. Page Layouts & Record Types
Q. What are page layouts?
Q. What are the types of page layouts?
Q. When does the mini page layout work?
Q. What is Page Layout clone?
Q. How to use Page Layout?
Q. How to create a custom button in page layout?
Q. What is compact layout?
Q. Can we assign different page layouts to different record types?
Q. How to make a field required by using page layout?
Q. What is a related list?
Q. How to add a related list from page layout
Q. Can we add a related list on child objects?
Q. What are custom buttons and custom links?
Q. How to create a custom link?
Q. In which section you add buttons?
Q. If we created a layout but the field is not showing in page layout, what can we do?
Q. If we delete required field from page layout which error it will show?
Q. If you have created custom link in which section you can add this custom link?
Q. How to add sections to Page Layout?
Q. Can w remove standard sections from page layout?
Q. Can we clone existing layout to create new page layout
Q. Can we remove already required field from page layout?
Q. Can we delete system info section from page layout?
Q. Can we remove the field which is required from page layout from page layout
Q. Can I provide access of object and record by using page layout?
Q. How to add blank spaces to the page layout
Q. What is diff between Save and Quick Save button on page layout
Q. What is the meaning of blue dot in front of any field in Page Layout?
Q. How to add columns in the related list?
Q. How many columns we can display in related list?
Q. What are Record Types?
Q. What Can be controlled through Record Types?
Q. What is record type? How to create it? Can we assign different page layout to different record types?
9. Relationships
Q. What is the relationship in salesforce?
Q. What is a lookup relationship?
Q. What is a master detail relationship?
Q. What is the cascade delete operation?
Q. Can we Cascade Delete Account & Contact? if yes How?
Q. Which objects in salesforce are acting as master detail relationship? or it follow cascade deletion?
Q. If we delete account record then will it delete contact record ?
Q. Where is the lookup field created? What is the data type for it?
Q. What is the difference between lookup and Master Detail relationship?
Q. Which relationship Account and Contact have?
Q. How to change Lookup to master detail? Does it show any error while converting? What is the report? How to fix that error?
Q. What is a junction object? Why do we use it?
Q. Can we create many to many relationships without using junction object in lookup?
Q. Can we make Junction object as Master of any other Object?
Q. What is self lookup?
Q. What is self relationship?
Q. What is V-lookup?
Q. How to implement one to one relationship? Explain it with example?
Q. Can we create a Master Detail relationship in which standard object is at child side?
Q. Can we create self lookup using Master Detail Relationship?
Q. If we delete child record first then delete master record and recover master record first then will it restore child?
Q. If we delete master record first then will it delete Junction object record?
Q. Can we make any child object as parent of any child object?
Q. If we delete any Master Detail data typed field and restore it then what should be its data type?
Q. If we have roll up summary then can we delete Master Detail relationship field?
Q. If we have roll up summary then how to convert Master Detail into lookup?
Q. If we have 100 records and Field is of Lookup and 50 records does not have value in Lookup field then can we convert Lookup into master detail?
Q. What is roll up summary?
Q. Where we create Roll-up summary Field?
Q. How count function works in roll up summary?
Q. Why we can't use roll-up in lookup?
Q. Which options are present while creating rollup summary?
Q. Is it possible to convert Lookup into Master-Detail Relationship? If yes how?
Q. Which standard fields we can see while using Min Max function in roll up summary
Q. On which object we can create roll up summary?
Q. Can we create roll up summary if we have only Lookup field?
Q. Governor limits of Relationship field?
Q. Do we have Owner field on Child object record of Master Detail related object?
Q. What is one to one relationship?
Q. If we can make lookup required then what is the exact difference between Lookup and Master Detail?
Q. How to show Lookup as Master Detail ?
Q. Can we use roll up in lookup?
Q. What is __r?
Q. What is __c?
Q. Can we set owner field on detail object?
Q. What are Lookup filters?
Q. How many relationship we can apply on one object?
10. List Views & Related List
Q. What is list View?
Q. What is List View and its Types?
Q. What are the Types of List View?
Q. Where we can see list view?
Q. How to give access to the list view?
Q. Can we modify standard list view?
Q. Can you edit predefined Standard List View?
Q. Can we delete standard list view?
Q. Can we create new list view?
Q. Can we delete recently viewed list view?
Q. How to set visibility of list view?
Q. How to restrict visibility of list view?
Q. Who can restrict the visibility of list view?
Q. How many columns we can add in the list view?
Q. Which options we can see in the List view visibility filter?
Q. If we want that only we can see the created list view then what should we do?
Q. How to create a List View?
Q. What is Related List?
Q. Can we change name of related list?
Q. On Which object we can see Related List?
11. Validation rules
Q. What is validation rule?
Q. Can we make any field required using validation rule?
Q. When validation rule fires?
Q. Why Validation Rule introduced in Salesforce?
Q. Can we make any field read only using validation rule ?
Q. Can we delete any record using validation rule?
Q. What is difference between IsNull and IsBlank?
Q. What is the use of ISNEW function?
Q. What is the use of ISCHANGED function?
Q. What is the use of ISPICKVAL function?
Q. How to make any picklist required?
Q. Implement a validation rule in which if Picklist field Country has India as a Value then user can enter value in currency.
Q. Implement a validation rule that If account have "Opportunity Create Permission" checkbox is True then only user can create an Opportunity otherwise user should get an error "You do not have permission to create an Opportunity".
Q. Where we can show error message in validation rule?
Q. What is the diff between and & OR operator with practical example.
Q. How to make Multi Select picklist required?
Q. Can we refer parent field value while creating validation on child?
Q. Can we use child field value while creating a validation on Parent?
Q. Can we delete any field on which Validation is active?
Q. What is the use of Active checkbox in validation rule?
Q. Can we create validation on standard object?
Q. Can we update any field value using Validation rule?
Q. If we want that validation rule only works on Existing record not on new created record then how to achieve it show practically.
Q. Can we delete any validation rule directly?
Q. Can we create records by using validation rule?
Q. If we have validation rule which is present on Object A and we want that we have to show error on Object B then can we achieve it?
Q. How many validation we can create per object?
12. Workflow Rules (WFR)
Q. What is Workflow Rule?
Q. What is the difference between validation and workflow rule?
Q. What are the entry criteria's of Workflow rules?
Q. What happen when we select Created as an entry criteria?
Q. What will happen when we select Created and Every time its edited an an entry criteria?
Q. What will happen if we select Created and Every time its edited to Meet subsequent criteria?
Q. What is the difference between Created and Every time its edited and Created and Every time its edited to Meet subsequent criteria ?
Q. What is the use of Re-Evaluate workflow checkbox while adding Field Update?
Q. What are the 4 actions we can perform using workflow rules?
Q. Different actions in Workflow Rule?
Q. Which are evaluation criteria for workflow rule?
Q. What is immediate Actions ?
Q. While updating field using workflow rule, is it update parent to child or child to parent?
Q. Can we delete record using workflow rule?
Q. Can we fire an error message through WFR?
Q. Can we create a Validation in which we have to update child record from parent?
Q. Can we add time trigger action to a WFR when WFR is active?
Q. Where we can see time triggered activity?
Q. What is task in workflow rule?
Q. Can we delete active WFR?
Q. Can we apply immediate action when WFR is active?
Q. Can we delete any action like field update when WFR is active?
Q. If we created WFR and that is not active yet then will it work?
Q. Does WFR Bypass the validation rule?
Q. Why validation Bypass WFR?
Q. How to send Email using workflow rule?
Q. How to create Email Template?
Q. Which are different types of Email templates?
Q. How can you update Account Name dynamically in Email Template?
Q. Can we apply time trigger action in minutes, seconds?
Q. How to delete time trigger action?
Q. What is an Outbound Message?
Q. Can we change entry criteria when WFR is active?
Q. How many WFR can create per object?
Q. How many Active WFR we can have per object?
Q. How many time based action we can create per object?
Q. For which entry criteria we can not create Time Triggered action? And Why?
Q. Limitations of Workflow rules?
Q. Limitations of time dependent and time independent workflow rules?
Q. Can we Schedule any time dependent action in minutes? If yes How?
Q. When time dependent action perform on evaluation criteria?
Q. When we use time dependent action?
Q. Can we update child record through workflow?
Q. Where do you see all time dependent action?
Q. How to clear time based workflow action queue?
Q. Can we see graphical representation in workflow?
Q. In workflow rule which is the criteria for which we cannot apply time dependent action?
Q. If we have a WFR which will fire Email after one hour and after 5 mins we have changed values in record, then will that Time trigger will fire or gets deleted from Time Trigger queue?
Q. Suppose we have an validation rule which has Created and Every time its edited to Meet subsequent criteria and it has Condition that If Country is India or USA and Salary is < 10000 the update Position as a Engineer.
- We have created a record having Country == India
and Salary == 11000 then it will update position as Engineer - Then we updated record and made country as USA then would system update position?
Q. I have created workflow rule, set a time dependent action as Email alert after 2 hour. if I delete workflow rule is it possible to delete it, if I change rule criteria?
Q. If you selected created criteria and you entered false value while editing 2nd time will it show error or not?
Q. Limits of actions in Workflow rule?
13. Approval Process
Q. Define approval process
Q. What are the two ways of creating approval process?
Q. What is the difference between Jump start wizard and standard wizard?
Q. What is the difference between entry criteria and criteria which we define in the steps?
Q. What is the difference between Name and Unique Name?
Q. What options we have in Select Approval section while creating approval process?
Q. Can we add new approval steps after activating the approval process?
Q. What is Initial Submission Action?
Q. Which actions we can add in Initial Submission Action?
Q. Can we add new action while Approval Process is active?
Q. Can we add initial submission action when approval process is deactivated?
Q. Can we remove action of the Initial Submission Action when approval process is active?
Q. How many approval steps we can add in approval process?
Q. Can we edit the approval steps when approval process is active?
Q. Can we delete approval steps when approval process is active?
Q. When we can see the Next step when adding approval steps criteria?
Q. What is final Approval Action?
Q. Which actions we can use in Final Approval Action?
Q. What is Final Rejection Action?
Q. What is recall action?
Q. What is the approval status of the record when record is submitted for approval and not yet approved?
Q. What will happen if record is not matching the criteria and still user is clicking on Submit For Approval button?
Q. Why we lock the record when record is submitted for approval?
Q. What is the importance of the approval process?
14. Process Builder
Q. What is process builder?
Q. What actions we perform in Process Builder?
Q. Can we perform if else criteria in process builder?
Q. What are criteria's of process builder?
Q. What is difference between workflow and process builder?
Q. What are limitations of process builder over workflow rule?
Q. How many nodes can we create in process Builder?
Q. Who provided process builder?
Q. Which one execute first process?
Q. Can we edit an active process builder?
Q. What should be the condition we need to specify in process builder to specify schedule actions?
- Only when record is created
- When record is created or edited and while define criteria select the checkbox for below setting
Q. Is it possible to edit the process once it is activated?
Q. What user permission is required to create edit and view process?
Q. "Manage Flow" AND "View All Data" in profile
Q. What are the different processes a process builder supports?
Q. How different is process builder from workflow?
Q. Can we have multiple if and else like conditions in process builder?
Q. Can we create more than one process builder for an object?
Q. How can we create time dependent or Scheduled action in process builder?
Q. What is the minimum time we can set to trigger the time dependent actions?
Q. How to get time trigger action in process builder?
Q. What if we want to trigger the time dependent action after 30 minutes?
Q. What are process versions in process builder?
Q. Process builder is part of which process?
Q. Which 8 actions performed by process builder?
Q. What are the entry criteria for process builder?
15. Security Model
Q. What is Profile?
Q. What is role?
Q. Difference between role and profile?
Q. Differentiate profile and user?
Q. What is permission set? With Example?
Q. What is difference between standard and custom profile?
Q. Can we assign multiple profile to single user?
Q. Can I assign same profile for two users?
Q. What is freeze and deactivate user option?
Q. What is difference between view and Read only?
Q. What are password policies?
Q. Can we delete user in org?
Q. What is org Id?
Q. Why your org Id used? Where you find it?
Q. How can we achieve organization level security?
Q. What is sharing rule?
Q. What are types of sharing rules?
Q. What is manual shearing?
Q. What is owner based sharing rule?
Q. What is Criteria based sharing rule?
Q. Which records we will share by using sharing rules?
Q. With whom the records can be shared by using sharing rules?
Q. Is it possible to restrict the data by using sharing rule?
Q. How many ways we can share a data?
Q. What is role hierarchy?
Q. How to delete user from salesforce org?
Q. How to freeze the user?
Q. What is mean by transfer record in profile?
Q. How to provide org level security by using password policies?
Q. How can we edit standard profile?
Q. What will happen to the user records if account is deactivated?
16. Security Model (Org Level Security)
Q. From where we can give Org Level security?
Q. Which options we do have while giving Org Level Security?
Q. What is mean by IP Whitelisting?
Q. What is exact diff of Applying Org Level security through Profile and Setup?
Q. From where we can set Login hours?
Q. Why we use Login hours?
Q. What is the meaning of User Password Expires in? Field of Password Policies
Q. What is the use of Enforce Password History field in password policies?
Q. What is the minimum password length ratio?
Q. Which options we can see in Password complexity requirement?
Q. Which options we can see in User Password Expires in?
Q. How many password system can remember?
Q. What is the use of Password question requirement?
Q. Which options are available for Maximum Invalid Login Attempt?
Q. What is Lockout Effective Period and its options?
Q. What happen if we check Require a minimum 1 day password Lifetime?
Q. If e provide Login Hours from 6AM to 6PM and after 6PM browser window is open and we did not refreshed it then what will happen? Still we have access or not?
17. Security Model (Object Level Security)
Q. In how many ways we can give Object Level Security?
Q. What is object level security?
Q. Which are the level of access in field level security?
Q. What is object level security? How many access level in it?
Q. What are the permission sets?
Q. Can we restrict the access through Permission sets?
Q. Which options we have while giving Object Level Security?
Q. Can we give only Create access not Read, Edit, Delete to any profile?
Q. Can we give only delete access not Read, delete. Edit to profile?
Q. If we have Create an Read access from profile level then can we give Delete access without Edit access through Permission Set?
Q. If we have 100 users for a Particular profile and we want to give Create access for 2 users, 50 Users should have edit access and rest of others should have full access then how to achieve it?
Q. In how many ways we can hide any object?
Q. What is meaning of View All, and Modify All ?
Q. Can we create Profile without cloning Existing Profile?
Q. Can we clone Custom Profile to Create a New Profile?
Q. Suppose if we have Object A (Master) and Object B (Child) so can we give Edit Access to Object B, without giving Any access to Object A.
Q. Suppose we have only Read access to Master Object then can we give delete access to Child Object?
Q. Suppose we have Lookup between two objects then can we give edit access to Child if Parent have Read access only?
Q. What happen if we do not give any access from Object level security?
Q. Why we can not give any access to Child if Parent does not have any access?
18. Security Model (Field Level Security)
Q. How to Give field level security?
Q. What is field level security?
Q. Which options we can see while giving Field Level security?
Q. What is field accessibility? Where you can see this option?
Q. What is field bucking?
Q. How many ways field level security can be controlled?
Q. Why we have need of field level security?
Q. If we any user has create access from profile and has Edit Permission set for Object Level Security and has no access from Field Level security then what should be the final result?
Q. If we have 50 Users and from 50 we want to give Edit Create and Read access to 5 Users and for those 5 Users we need to hide the field and other 10 users should able to only edit the records but field should be read only then how to achieve?
Q. Can we give edit access if we do not have read access?
Q. We have a Junior Engineer in company and he has Create Read Edit access for Object and have No access for field then what will happen?
Q. If we have Junior Engineer and He have Read access for Object and Edit access for Field then is he able to Edit the field value?
Q. If we have no access for any Object and have edit access for Field then what will be the Output?
Q. Can we assign Permission set to profile?
Q. Can we assign Permission set to Multiple users at the same time?
Q. For which types of fields we can not change field level security?
Q. What is the Field Level Security for Created By field?
19. Security Model (Record Level Security)
Q. How many types of Record Level Security we have?
Q. What is OWD?
Q. Which options we see in OWD?
Q. Which options we can see while giving OWD?
Q. What is mean by Private OWD?
Q. What is Public Read Only?
Q. What is Public Read Write?
Q. What is controlled by parent?
Q. Which are different ways to give record level access?
Q. How record level security maintained?
Q. How many access are there for record level security?
Q. In OWD we have a column Default External Access, what it represents?
Q. For Calendar Object which OWD options do we have?
Q. If we have 5 Users in a Company and we want that only Owner of record can see his record then what type of OWD we will apply?
Q. If we want that we have 100 users and we need that only owner can edit the record an other can only read the record then what we need to do?
Q. If we have Read access through object level and Public Read Write at OWD then what will happen?
Q. If we have 3 users and 1 user is manager and other two are Employees, we want that manager can edit both users record and users can only see their own records, so how to achieve that.
Q. If we have 3 Users and one is manager other two are employees, now we want that only manager can read both employees records, employees can only able to see their own records and one employee should able to see aand edit others records but second employee should not able to see first employees record. How to achieve it?
Q. If we have 3 Users and one is manager other two are employees, we want that all users can see and edit their own records, manager also can not able to see employees records then what should we do?
Q. What is the use of Grant Access using Role Hierarchies?
Q. What is the difference between manual sharing and sharing Rules?
Q. What is the difference between sharing rules and role hierarchies?
Q. Which rule type we have in sharing rule?
Q. With whom we can share records by using sharing rule?
Q. Can we share records to individual users by using sharing rules?
Q. Can we share records with individual users by using manual sharing?
Q. Can we use manual sharing in lightning instance?
Q. Which level of access we can give through sharing rules?
Q. Suppose we have Grant Access to Role Hierarchies but Manager does not have access to Object A and Employee under him have access to the Object, so could manager can see the records of employee or not?
20. Report And Dashboard
Q. How many reports can we display in dashboard at a time?
Q. Different Types of Dashboards in Salesforce?
Q. What is use of reports?
Q. How many repots we can create in salesforce?
Q. What are different types of reports?
- Tabular report. This is the most basic report. It displays just the row of records in a table like format with grand total. Tabular reports cannot be used for generating dashboards.
- Summary report. This is the most commonly type of report. It allows grouping of rows of data. It supports sorting and displaying subtotals. For example in a recruiting app, a summary report could be used to display open positions classified by department name.
- Matrix report. This is the most complex report format. Matrix report summarize information in a grid format. Matrix reports allows records to be grouped by both columns and rows.
- Joined Reports: Joined reports let you create multiple report blocks that provide different views of your data. Each block acts like a “sub-report,” with its own fields, columns, sorting, and filtering. A joined report can even contain data from different report types.
Q. What all reports can be used to generate dashboards?
- Summary
- Matrix
Q. What all things are not supported in joined reports?
- Bucket Fields
- Cross Filters
Q. What are bucket fields?
- Bucketing lets you quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field. For example, create a bucket field named Size based on the # Employees field. Then, create buckets that group records into "Large," "Medium," or "Small" ranges that you define. Bucket fields can be used like any other field to sort, filter, and group your report.
- You can add up to five bucket fields per report, each with up to 20 buckets. Only numeric, picklist and text field can be used for bucketing. Other data types are not supported.
Q. What is a Custom Report Type?
Q. What is difference between custom report types and standard report types?
Q. How access to reports and dashboard is controlled in Salesforce?
Q. What is dashboard?
Q. What are different chart types available for dashboards?
Q. What are limitations of salesforce reports?
Q. You have created a dashboard by using a report and you deleted that report what happen to that dashboard?
Q. What are the bucket field in reports?
21. Governor Limits
Q. How many Object we can create in salesforce?
Q. How many Custom Fields we can create on single object?
Q. How many validation Rule we can create in salesforce?
Q. How many workflow rules we can create in salesforce?
Q. Limits of actions in Workflow rule?
Q. How many rollup summary field can be created on one object?
Q. How many custom profile we can create?
Q. Limits of lookup?
Q. Limits of V-lookup?
22. Data Loader
Q. Which operations we can perform through data loader?
Q. What is the difference between bulk API & Data loader?
Q. What is the difference between delete and hard delete?
Q. How can you enable hard delete setting?
Q. If user do not have read/write access can he do operation in data loader?
Q. What is default size for data loader in bulk API?
Q. How to insert null values through data loader?
Q. How to assign permission set in data loader?
Q. Which file format data loader supports?
Q. How to start input operation from row no. 101?
Q. What do you know about import wizard?
Q. How to call the batch class?
Q. What are governor limit for data loader?
Q. Where we use SDL file?
Q. Can you insert specific record type while inserting records into data loader?
Q. What are advantages of data loader?
Q. Suppose you are inserting record through data loader there is required field but you have not mapped the required field while insertion, will insertion takes place or not?
Q. Whenever you are inserting any data through data loader is there any way tat you can bypass workflow rule, validation rule or triggers? Means you want to insert data but trigger and validation rule should not get executed, how to do that?
Q. Cam you export data from data loader?
Q. What is difference between export & export all?
Q. If 100 of users in organization you want to assign permission set can you assign permission set to data loader?
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