What is Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) in APEX ?
SOQL means Salesforce Object Query Language which is to query the records from the database.com based on the requirement.
For example, the following retrieves all account records with two fields, Name and Phone, and returns an array of Account sObjects.
- Retrieve data from a single object or from multiple objects that are related to one another.
- Count the number of records that meet specified criteria.
- Sort results as part of the query.
- Retrieve data from number, date, or checkbox fields.
- To increase the efficiency of queries and searches, keep in mind:
- Both SOQL WHERE filters and SOSL search queries can specify text you should look for. When a given search can use either language, SOSL is generally faster than SOQL if the search expression uses a CONTAINS term.
- SOSL can tokenize multiple terms within a field (for example, multiple words separated by spaces) and builds a search index off this. If you’re searching for a specific distinct term that you know exists within a field, you might find SOSL is faster than SOQL for these searches. For example, you might use SOSL if you were searching for “John” against fields that contained values like “Paul and John Company”.
- Keep the number of fields to be searched or queried to a minimum. Using many fields leads to many permutations, which can be difficult to tune.
- SOQL queries is used to retrieve data from single object or from multiple objects.
- SOQL is used to count the number of records that meets the evaluation criteria.
- It is used to sort results.
- It is used to retrieve data from number, data and checkbox fields.
- Salesforce Object query language (SOQL) is used in the queryString parameter in the query ( ) call.
- In Apex statement.
- In visualforce controllers and getter methods.
- In the schema explorer of the force.com IDE.
How to Run / Execute SOQL Query:
- Go to Salesforce org
- Click on Gear Icon (Dropdown menu)
- Click on Developer Console
- In the Developer Console, click the Query Editor tab.
- Copy and paste the following any SOQL Code line into the first box under Query Editor, and then click Execute.
Only API Names are supported in SOQL and does not the lables.
- "WHERE" is the keyword to be used in-order to filter records
- Condition Expression (Criteria) has to be specified after the WHERE keyword and only the record that satisfy the criteria will be retrieved
For example, the following query retrieves accounts and gets Name and Phone fields for each account.
Fields to be fetched.
This part lists the fields that you would like to retrieve. The fields are specified after the SELECT keyword in a comma-delimited list. Or you can specify only one field, in which case no comma is necessary (e.g. SELECT Phone). - FROM :
Object from which the fields are to be fetched.
This part specifies the standard or custom object that you want to retrieve. In this example, it’s Account.
- Static SOQL
- Dynamic SOQL
Static SOQL is written in [ ] array brackets. Its good to use when you did not have dynamic changes is SOQL.
Account[] acc = [SELECT Name, Phone FROM Account];
2. Dynamic SOQL:Dynamic SOQL refers to the creation of a SOQL string at run time with Apex code. Dynamic SOQL enables you to create more flexible applications. For example, you can create a search based on input from an end user or update records with varying field names.
String myTestString = 'TestName';
List<sObject> sobjList = Database.query('SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :myTestString');
Correct order of SOQL execution:
The following are examples of text searches that use SOQL:
# Simple query (Fetch Name and Phone from Account object):
SELECT Id, Name, Student_Name__c, Courses__c, DOB__c, Email__c, Roll_No__c FROM Student__c
# WHERE : (To apply filter before grouping)
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'John'
SELECT Name, (SELECT LastName FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Name = 'SFDC Computing'
SELECT Account.Name FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'Carol' AND LastName='Ruiz'
SELECT Name,Phone FROM Account WHERE (Name='SFDC Computing' AND NumberOfEmployees>25)
SELECT Name,Phone FROM Account WHERE (Name='SFDC Computing' AND NumberOfEmployees>25) ORDER BY Name LIMIT 10
# NULL :
(Null values in WHERE clauses)
SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Contact.LastName = null
SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email = NULL AND Phone = NULL
(Not Null != values in WHERE clauses)
SELECT AccountId FROM Event WHERE ActivityDate != null
SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Contact.LastName != null
SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email != NULL AND Phone != NULL
SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email = NULL AND Phone != NULL
SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email != NULL OR Phone != NULL
SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE (Phone != NULL OR MobilePhone != NULL) AND Email != NULL
"ORDER BY" is the keyword to be used to sort records.
- ASC or DESC : Specifies whether the results are ordered in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Default order is ascending.
- NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST : Orders null records at the beginning (NULLS FIRST) or end (NULLS LAST) of the results. By default, null values are sorted first.
# ORDER BY with ASC:
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE industry = 'media' ORDER BY BillingPostalCode ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 25
Aggregates Functions:
# AVG() :
(Get Opportunity: Amount Average)
SELECT CampaignId, AVG(Amount) FROM Opportunity GROUP BY CampaignId
# SUM() :
(Returns the total sum of a numeric field, you can not add another field in query)
SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won'
# MIN() :
(Returns the minimum value of a field.)
# MAX() :
(Returns the maximum value of a field.)
# Count() :
(Get contact total count, you can not add another field in query)
# COUNT(fieldName) :
(Get contact ID Field total count)
# COUNT(fieldName) :
(Get contact ID and CampaignId Field total count) (Multiple)
(Returns the number of distinct non-null field values matching the query criteria)
(This simple example rolls the results up by one field)
(This example rolls the results up by two fields)
# HAVING (To apply filter after Grouping):
SELECT LeadSource, COUNT(Name) FROM Lead GROUP BY LeadSource HAVING COUNT(Name) > 100 and LeadSource > 'Phone'
The maximum offset is 2,000 rows. Requesting an offset greater than 2,000 results in a NUMBER_OUTSIDE_VALID_RANGE error.
"OFFSET" Is the keyword to be used to specify the index of starting row while fetching records.
(eg. get record from particular record onwards from 100 ==> 101,102.103....)
SELECT Name, Id, ( SELECT Name FROM Opportunities LIMIT 10 OFFSET 2 ) FROM Account ORDER BY Name LIMIT 1
# ALL ROWS (work only in DML):
# AND :
# LIKE :
Note: LIKE can not be applied on "TextArea","Id"
(Eg. A% : Start name from A
A% : End name with A
%A% : middle name with A )
FIELDS() Functions:
The FIELDS() function lets you select groups of fields without knowing their names in advance.
Include any of these in the field list:
- FIELDS(ALL) : to select all the fields of an object.
- FIELDS(CUSTOM) : to select all the custom fields of an object.
- FIELDS(STANDARD) : to select all the standard fields of an object.
- Note: In each case, FIELDS() respects field-level security so it only shows the fields that you have permission to access.
Multi-Select Picklists :
The INCLUDES and EXCLUDES operators are used to filtering the multi-select picklist field. The multi-select picklist field in Salesforce allows the user to select more than one value from the list of values provided.
# includes :
Includes (contains) the specified string. (country__c = custom field in Account object)
# excludes :
Excludes (does not contain) the specified string.
# For Standard relationship, It's the fieldname from child object (dot operator) and the field name from parent object.
1. Fetch Id, Name from Contact with Account Name and Billing City from Account Object
# For Custom relationship, It's the field name from child object replaced __c with __r and the field name from Parent Object
1. Fetch Student Id, Name, Email from Student (custom object) and relationship with Contact (standard object)
Note : In custom relationship field must be with __r not __c (for related object require __r)
One parent have multiple child then [ . ] (dot operator will not work)
# Get Child relationship name:
Object manager => Fields and Relationships => Click on Lookup field name => Child Relationship Name
(eg. here 'Opportunities' is child relationship of Account Name [Lookup (Account)] field
1. To get details of all Accounts with Opportunities
SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunities) FROM Account
3. To get details of all Prospect Accounts with associated won OpportunitiesSELECT Id, Name, Type, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunities WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won') FROM Account WHERE Type = 'Prospect'
4. To get details of All Contact [Standard Object] with Student [Custom Object (master relationship with Contact object) ]
(eg. here 'Student' is child relationship of Contact__c [Master-Detail(Contact)] field
Note : In custom relationship field must be with __r not __c [ for related object require __r (eg. Students__r) ]
# Some Examples :
1. Get all the Accounts for which NumberOfEmployees are greater than 500
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE NumberOfEmployees > 500
3. Get all the Accounts created in the last 5 Day ( Date Formats and Date Literals )
SELECT Id, CloseDate FROM Opportunity WHERE CloseDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5
4. Get All the Contacts having "John" in their name
SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Name LIKE '%John%'
5. Get all the contacts that do not have "John" in their name
SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE NOT (Name LIKE '%John%')
6. Get all the Accounts for which NumberOfEmployees are more than 500 with an annualrevenue of atleast 1 million
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE NumberOfEmployees > 500 AND AnnualRevenue >= 1000000
SELECT Id, Name, NumberOfEmployees, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE NumberOfEmployees > 500 AND AnnualRevenue >= 1000000
7. Get all the Accounts for which BillingCity is either of (NewYork, Chicago, Singapore)
SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE BillingCity = 'NewYork' OR BillingCity = 'Chicago' OR BillingCity = 'Singapore'
SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE BillingCity IN ('NewYork','Chicago','Singapore')
8. Get Id, Name and Amount of Won Opportunity having second Highest Amount
SELECT Name, Id, Amount, Probability FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed won' ORDER BY Amount DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1
9. Get Id, Name and Billing Revenue (AnnualRevenue) of Account with 5th Highest Billing Revenue
SELECT Id, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue != null ORDER BY AnnualRevenue DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 4
10. Get the count of unique Billing Cities used in Account
SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact WHERE Account.Industry = 'media'
SELECT Account.Name, (SELECT Contact.LastName FROM Account.Contacts) FROM Account
# Relationship query: parent to child with custom objects
SELECT Name, (SELECT Name FROM Line_Items__r) FROM Merchandise__c WHERE Name LIKE 'Acme%'
Important Fact that needs to be considered when writing the SOQL
- WHERE clauses cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
- Total SOQL Queries used (Synchronous limit = 100)
- Total SOQL Queries used (Asynchronous limit = 200)
- Issued SOQL Queries 20
- Issued DML Statements 150
- The total amount of callouts per transaction 100
- Allowed send email Methods 10
- Apex transaction execution time 10 minutes.
- SOQL query can’t run more than 120 seconds.
- SOQL statements cannot exceed 20,000 characters.
- Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries: 50,000
- SOQL query can be ORDER BY 32 fields.
- No more than 20 relationships can be specified in a single query.
- Maximum rows returned in SOQL query results : 2,000 results total (API version 28.0 and later), unless you specify custom limits in the query. This limit includes results from child objects. Previous API versions return 200 results.
- Maximum length of SOSL statements : By default, 100,000 characters. This limit is tied to the SOQL statement character limit defined for your org.
- In each specified relationship, no more than five levels can be specified in a child-to-parent relationship. For example, Contact. Account. Owner. FirstName (three levels).
- Long, complex SOQL statements, such as statements that contain many formula fields, can sometimes result in a QUERY_TOO_COMPLICATED error. The error occurs because the statement is expanded internally when processed by Salesforce, even though the original SOQL statement is under the 20,000 character limit. To avoid this error, reduce the complexity of your SOQL statement.
- No more than 55 child-to-parent relationships can be specified in a query. A custom object allows up to 40 relationships, so you can reference all the child-to-parent relationships for a custom object in one query.
- No more than 20 parent-to-child relationships can be specified in a query.
- In each specified relationship, no more than five levels can be specified in a child-to-parent relationship. For example, Contact.Account.Owner.FirstName (three levels).
- In each specified relationship, only one level of parent-to-child relationship can be specified in a query. For example, if the FROM clause specifies Account, the SELECT clause can specify only the Contact or other objects at that level. It could not specify a child object of Contact.
- Refer official documentation : SOQL and SOSL Limits for Search Queries
Difference between SOQL and SOSL :
Salesforce Object Ouery Language | Salesforce Object Search Language |
Used to retrive data from single object or multiple objects that are related with each other | Fetches data from multiple un-related objects |
It returns records. | It returns fields. |
Not more than 50,000 records can be fetched | Not more than 2000 records can be fetched. |
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account | FIND {John} |
Total number of SOQL queries issued Synchronous Limit : 100 Asynchronous Limit : 200 |
Total number of SOSL queries issued : 20 |
We can query on all fields of any data type. | We can query on fields whose data type is Name, Phone, Email. |
Return Type: List | Return Type: List Of Lists. |
# SOSL Trailhead Module# Example SELECT Clauses
# Account object SOAP API (Find Standard object API Names)
# Comparison Operators in SOQL Apex
Great work. Thank you.